Monday, November 9, 2009

Six Week Milestone - One Sack of Concrete!

Weekly Stats
Current: 263.8
Weekly Loss: 4.6
To Go: 88.8
Total 61.2

Yeehaaaa! I finished up my six week strict diet and lost 42 lbs during the six weeks. Was it hard? Yes! Was it worth it? Yes! I posted another gold star for losing another 10 lbs as well! And as I noted a few weeks back, I have lost one bag of quick-set concrete!!!!! I can really feel the difference.

Now what? This is a critical part of any weight loss. What do you do when you go off a diet? If you just have the attitude that it's over and let up, guess what happens? Yup! Kaboom. Back up you go. I don't want to do that again! I definitely need to lose more weight. I still have 15 lbs to go to make it to half way! So this morning, after a lot of research I have decided to get back into exercise and keep losing weight. My new goal is to lose 10 lbs a month which works out to about 2.5 lbs per week. It seems doable. As many of you, I am a fan of the Biggest Loser. I looked around and found out some of the strategies for at home loss.

In a nutshell, times your weight by seven and that is your daily caloric intake. Do a 4-3-2-1 as far as eating. Four servings of fruits and vegetable. You can have more if you want, just make sure that you have equal serving of vegetables and fruits and don't go over your daily calories. Three servings of healthy protein. Two servings of high fiber grains. Lastly, one serving of extras, such as healthy fats. You are supposed to eat three meals a day, plus two snacks. It is important to keep a food log to track calories and the 4-3-2-1.

I started out this morning by exercising for 40 minutes (much to my surprise)! I did 20 minutes on the elliptical and then headed out the door for a 20 minute walk. I couldn't believe the difference doing both having dropped the lbs over the last six weeks. And it was great to have breakfast!

I have talked to several over the past couple weeks. Most are still on track of maintaining and improving the health. Chris and Rick have both done well on losing weight. I don't remember the exact numbers, but it has been an impressive amount for both of them. Mike and Sarah ran about 4 miles on Saturday! Great job! Bill H. is always inspiring on the amount of work he puts in! 16 miles on Saturday. He has qualified for the Boston Marathon two years straight now. I hope he gets a chance to go this year. Way to go Gordon on keeping the bike rides up. I have enjoyed looking at your ride logs. Hope to be going on a couple with you this summer! Sorry if I missed any deserved shout-outs. Hope the rest of you are doing well!

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