Monday, July 13, 2009

Good Things Come in Three

Weekly Stats:
Current: 309.4
Weekly Loss: 3
To Go: 134.4
Total loss so far: 15.6
Exercise - 5/5 Days – 40+ minutes

Good week in many ways. One of my originally stated steps is to lose 2 lbs a week, but I also know that with a bit of focused effort I can do a bit better on occasion. With that focus this week, I was able to loose an extra pound and that is great. I think this is significant since I had several food challenges this week. We had a ward party, I went to a family party and we have had family from out of town come in as well. All of these meant good food and lots of it. I tried to be conscience of what I choose to eat from the food tables and came out without any damage. Fortunately there was lots of fruit and vegetables which could fill my plate with, enjoy and not pile on a lot of extra calories.

A little tweak in my exercising was helpful as well. I still walked or hiked for exercise, but some days I worked on speed and cut the time, on other days I slowed down a bit but worked on length and time. Both have their place in the workout and they complement each other.

I think the biggest change I made this week was cutting back on desserts. There were several days I didn't have any desserts or snacks all day. The other change was not to eat any thing after 8pm. Both of these have helped in the past and this week bore it out. I wasn't perfect, but because of those days that I did, it made a big difference!

This week's hike was Dry Canyon again. I made it further than I have in the past and with less stopping. I made it up to the first split from the Dry Canyon trail to the top of Big Baldy. From what I remember though, I don't want to take this trail to the top. It climbs steeply up the front of Baldy. I think I want to make it to the saddle behind Baldy and take another trail to the top from there. I need to ask around to see if I am right.

Lessons learned this week. Avoid eating late, cut back on the snacks and keep doing a little more each week and over time you will be amazed how far you have come.


  1. Congrats on the extra lb! I haven't had the courage to drag out the scale, but 4 weeks into the training, I feel a bit lighter. Late snacking is definitely a pitfall of mine. Well i shouldn't say snacking, I should say mealing. I don't mess around with snacks. I want a sandwich! or a burrito! Yet I digress, well done one the great week dad.

  2. I actually turned down an ice cream sundae last night because: 1) it was a snack, 2) it was after 8 and 3) I went and made myself accountable dang it! :)

    I can't help but think you have dropped weight with the amount of running that you are doing, but your endurance and energy are probably the most noticable. I keep getting internal feedback on how far I have come the past few weeks. It has definitely helped!
