Weekly Stats
Current: 274.4
Weekly Loss: 6.2
To Go: 99.4
Total 50.6!!!!
I made a significant milestone. Since I started on this weight loss journey, I have lost 50lbs! I am only 1/3 of the way (weight!) to my goal, but I feel like I can do this!
Saturday, I had a yard project to get done. Our mailbox has been wobbly, so I decided to cement the post in and replace the box. I bought a 60 lbs bag a quick-set concrete for the job. I carried it the short distance from the back of the van to the project. I cradled the bag in my arms right next to my body and felt how heavy the bag was and could feel the extra pressure in my legs. I realized I was not carrying much more that I had lost! No wonder I was struggling physically! No wonder my energy has been sapped at the end of the day. No wonder I was having trouble getting up the trail on Baldy! I am looking forward to losing the better part of two more bags! If I feel this much better now, how much better will I feel when that weight is gone as well!
I have two more weeks to go on this strict diet that I have been on. I have been thinking through what it will take to maintain the weight loss and make it through the holidays. I can't let down my guard!
Hope all continues to go well for everyone! Gordon keeps posting the rides he goes on. He is in great shape both weight wise and physically. Hopefully next year sometime, we can go on a ride! Keep up the good work everyone!
Destination: Mt Baldy, IN
7 years ago