Sunday, November 13, 2011


Alan at Pounds Off Playoff wrote a couple of thought provoking post.  Read them here and here.  It got me thinking about what I do to justify my actions.  These justifications are what sabotage me in the long run.  Here are two of them.

I am working hard so I can have a little extra.
I deserve a little extra!
This one gets me every time.  If I run six miles, it's OK to throw in a little treat.  I know darn well that it isn't a good thing, but I easily fall into this one.  If I run six miles, I burn a net 812.7 calories.  For more info see this article in Runner's World.  So let's say I justify eating a Whooper with cheese as a result and I've eaten 760 calories in about ten minutes.  Not much calorie deficit after that!  I usually don't go out and get a Whopper with cheese, but I do tend to eat a bit more here and there throughout the day and that adds up really quick.

I'll start being good on Monday
Michele blogged about the importance of today.  I commented that my tomorrow is usually Monday.  Like in, "Monday I'll start watching what I eat better."  But before long it's Tuesday... Thursday... Friday and then it's time to say, "I'll start being good on Monday."  Like Michele pointed out today is the day.  It got me thinking that today is the only day we can do anything.  Yesterday is gone and we have to wait until tomorrow becomes today to actually do anything.  I need to quite justifying today's behavior based on a better tomorrow.

On an upbeat note
I have been logging my mileage on  I noticed a stat on there that had me feeling pretty good and gives me some incentive to keep going this year.  Since I logged my first mileage in there last year I have run (mostly) 2028 miles.  This year I am at 971 and counting.  I am on track to get in another 1,000 mile year.  Keep your eye on my daily mile update on the side.

People comment that I am an inspiration.  I am happy if I can help others "hang in there", but you have all helped inspire me as well.  I read of you successes, dealing with your challenges and a lot of you have given me pause for thought many times.  Thanks for inspiring me!

Hang in there and I will too!


  1. I so am a justifier in rewarding myself because I was so "active" or what not. It is so easy to do. I too need to do better at not putting it off until it is more conveinent. You are such an inspiration to me and how much you are doing and learning and how willing you are to share with us. I love you and keep up the great work.

  2. Thanks for the shout out, Bruce. I'm really feeling good about taking a stand. The first reward has been not eating in front of my kids, which I didn't realize how guilty I felt about until I stopped doing it.

    Hey, 1000 miles in a year. Wow! Now that is inspiring.

  3. I know you will hit that 1000 mark - and go above and beyond!! Wishing you a good week!

    Staying MOtivated MO
