Weekly Stats
Current: 195.0
Weekly Loss: 0.4
To Go: 20.0
Total 130.0
Back from Scout Camp almost half a pound lighter than I started. I thought I might have lost a bit more, but the payoff of being able to hike 10 miles a day and complete the fifty miler with the Scouts was reward in and of itself. My feet took a bit of a beating even though. As most of you know, I have been hiking quite a bit in the past year, but not five back to back ten milers. Other than that, I feel pretty good and was even able to get back out this morning and run my usual 6.2 mile Monday route.
I do need to give a shout out to the scouts and Alan T. who went on the summer camp. The boys impressed me with getting up at 6am each day and heading out for another ten mile trek each day. They all struggled at one time or another, but none of them gave up or refused to go on. They inspired me and it left us all with a lifetime of memories of accomplishing something that was hard. They were all great!
When I started this journey over a year ago, I had no idea that I would be able to do what I am currently doing. I was hoping to take off the weight and get in better shape, but looking back, it is even hard for me to believe what I have been able to accomplish. I really do have to look heavenward and give thanks for the additional help I have received from the Lord and from a lot of you as well. I have felt nudged to do certain things. I have been lead to read and learn a lot about nutrition. I have been encouraged and strengthened when I have struggled from many of my friends who have followed either this blog, Facebook or on Daily Mile. Thanks again to all of you. I hope to be able to pay it forward as I go along.
Shout outs to all of you who are continuing to work hard! Gordon put together a good week of riding! Way to go! Bill and Andy put in 19 mile training runs and Todd continues to increase his distance and speed! Way to go guys! Phil is keeping at it to with impressive workouts. It will be fun to see how he has changed since I saw him last. Keep up the great work Phil! Hang in there and I will too!
Destination: Mt Baldy, IN
7 years ago