I often will post a quote that I find inspirational. However, when I saw a quote the other day that included the words "running", "rain", and "crying", I thought that's not a quote I will post. I thought to myself that I don't run crying in the rain. So what happens this morning? I listen to a podcast from Radio Labs that got me tearing up as I was running. Stupid show! If you aren't a Radio Labs listener already, I highly recommend it as a podcast to listen to. This one in particular was powerful in many ways. If you are interested you can listen here.
Kohn Ashmore |
There were several things that got me thinking as I listened to the story of Kohn Ashmore. He was severely injured when he was hit by a car when he was eight years old. He was in a coma for five months and when he awoke, he couldn't talk or walk. He had to relearn many skills and had to learn how to cope with his permanent disabilities. One thing that stuck out was how he never realized that his speech was so slow until he recorded himself trying to sing. He came to an abrupt realization of how he sounded to others and it devastated him. It took him a long time to overcome that devastation. Luckily he found friends along the way who helped him in his struggles.
Like I said, there were many things I thought about as I listened to this podcast, but one that really stuck out was how it took a moment like that in my own life when I realized what I was doing to myself and others with my weight problems. It was a devastating moment of my own. Thanks to others encouragement and my willingness to work hard I was able to turn things around. Thanks to all of you who have encouraged me and I hope I have helped you as well.
No Exceptions
With Thanksgiving weekend behind us now, I wonder if you like me made too many exceptions. We not only had the holiday and the food to deal with, by the time this week is done, there are three birthdays and a family Christmas party we have celebrated as well. I made way to many exceptions when it came to food choices. I need to get back into No Exceptions mode for a while. It's too easy this time of year to make too many exceptions and gain weight over the next several weeks. I'll be accountable in my blog about how I am doing through the New Year.
Hang in there and I will too!